Twitter nyc gay sex parties

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“We don’t want to say too much of the new location, because we are working with city hall and stakeholders to approve zoning in the near future,' Rowe told BrokeAss Stuart. In 2016, Eros was added to the city's Legacy Business Registry, which recognizes 'longstanding, community-serving businesses' that have established themselves in area neighborhoods for at least three decades.Ī now removed real estate listing from last year indicated the two-story, approximately 7,040 square foot building was listed for sale at an undisclosed price.

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Hoodline reached out to Eros for comment but did not receive a response.Įros opened for business on Market Street at the height of the AIDS epidemic, in 1992. 'nd hear about our exciting new space opening in 2022.' 'We’re moving, but we want you to get a look, celebrate with us one more time,' said Rowe on Facebook. After 30 years, Castro gay sex club and sauna Eros (2051 Market St.) has announced it will be moving to a new, undisclosed location.Įros owner Ken Rowe told BrokeAss Stuart this week that the club is closing and they've signed a new lease “closer to downtown.'Īt this time it's unclear when Eros will officially close its doors for good on Market St., but a moving celebration is set for Sunday, December 12.Įros will be moving from 2051 Market St.

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